
O Retrato Do Artista Quando Escreve / Portrait Of The Artist As A Writer

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O Retrato Do Artista Quando Escreve / Portrait Of The Artist As A Writer


No compasso dos passos rebeldes de James Joyce, assistimos à criação da nobre arte da escrita. Dublin imortaliza a sua pena e clama por uma nova geração de autores dignos de continuar o trabalho do romancista, cronista, ensaísta, poeta e dramaturgo. Nada fazia prever que o percurso que desempenhava incidiria a sua luz noutras cidades, onde o jovem literato conquista com ousadia um lugar privilegiado a bordo do navio de Ulisses. Do papel ao matraquear de uma máquina de escrever, foram compostas as cinco obras de arte que agora se anunciam. O leitor aproxima-se, contempla e folheia o livro. Vamos manter-nos em silêncio, é hora de assistirmos ao acordar de um novo mestre literário. /

In the footsteps of James Joyce, we witness the creation of the noble art of writing. Dublin immortalizes his pen and calls for a new generation of authors worthy of continuing the work of the novelist, chronicler, essayist, poet, and playwright. Nothing could predict that his path would shine its light on other cities, where the young writer boldly conquered a privileged place on board of Ulysses' ship. From paper to the chatter of a typewriter, the five works of art that now appear were composed. The reader approaches, contemplates and leafs through the book. Let us remain silent, it is time to witness the awakening of a new literary master.

Vencedores dos International FITA Awards of Literature 2022 / Winners of the International FITA Awards of Literature 2022

\ Prémio Conto / Short Story Award

Quem ri / Who's laughing, Lourenço Noronha

\ Prémio Crónica / Chronicle Award:

Medo de quê? / Afraid of what?, Nélson Nunes

\ Prémio Ensaio / Essay Award:

O problema dos dois Mills / The problem of the two Mills, Miguel Pereira Dâmaso

\ Prémio Poesia / Poetry Award:

Observações de questões e mudanças / Observations of questions and changes, Daniela Baiardi

\ Prémio Teatro / Theater Award:

Noite / Night, Bernardo Guerreiro

Francisca Gigante
Francisco Teles da Gama

Research & Development
Zé Bernardo da Fonseca
Ricardo Ramos Gonçalves

Book Cover Editora

Cover Design

Support to the Design
Patrícia de Almeida Gomes


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Retrato Do Artista Quando Escreve / Portrait Of The Artist As A Writer / Lisbon 2022 / FITA & Book Cover Editora / ISBN 9789899126268 / Dimensions 139 x 204 x 12 mm / English and Portuguese Language / 136 Pages / Cover Mikha-ez

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